Asset and Wealth Management

Asset and Wealth Management


Retirement planning

Doing this right requires a 360-degree plan, incorporating investment products, tax planning, government benefits, and a no-nonsense practical plan to set a date for your retirement. Every decision we make will serve to move that date up or make your retirement more secure.

Estate Planning

Record numbers of Boomers are retiring in the next decade or so, some will leave the maximum estate to their heirs, and some will by default leave the maximum to the government. Even if you don’t have a large estate, you have a number of options available to you to ensure your heirs benefit more than the government.


Easily the most flexible tool in today’s financial toolkit for providing a guarantee and peace of mind. Policies structured to meet temporary conditions, to business needs, to life goals, insurance truly is the one product with the most potential to meet a wide variety of needs.


With a formal education in finance and business management, I don’t rely on headlines or talking heads for my market views, I do my own analysis. This gives my clients unbiased, unfiltered, knowledgeable information so they can have a much better chance of profiting during good markets and sidestepping bad markets.

Wealth doesn’t disappear, it merely changes hands.

The four most dangerous words in investing are: this time it’s different.

Wealth and Asset Management

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If you’re a high net worth person, you have a larger and likely more diverse set of assets to manage. Because of this, the temptation may be to put yourself in the hands of a large asset management company that inspires confidence and exudes status.

These institutions represent the very epitome of competence, yet they all lost billions in the crash of 2008. If they lost billions of their own money, what do you think happened to the portfolios of their clients?

Here’s a publicized list of the massive losses suffered by the most respected and prestigious institutions in the world. Read carefully, those aren’t millions, they’re billions.

Bailout money received per institution

DateFinancial InstitutionCityStateAmount
10/28/2008Wells Fargo & Co.San FranciscoCalif.$25,000,000,000
10/28/2008State Street Corp.BostonMass.$2,000,000,000
10/28/2008Bank of America Corp.1CharlotteN.C.$15,000,000,000
10/28/2008JPMorgan Chase & Co.New YorkN.Y.$25,000,000,000
10/28/2008Citigroup Inc.New YorkN.Y.$25,000,000,000
10/28/2008Morgan StanleyNew YorkN.Y.$10,000,000,000
10/28/2008Goldman Sachs Group Inc.New YorkN.Y.$10,000,000,000

Despite this, many in the financial services industry still give advice based on analysis and opinion of institutions like these, or similar institutions in Canada. I don’t. My background in finance and accounting gives me the ability to do my own independent research and analysis of markets, companies, and investments.

I don’t take the word of institutions and analysts who, only weeks before the crash of 2008, were telling us the market is safe.

I also hand-select a few analysts who have proven skill at maximizing bull markets, but who, unlike this list, didn’t lose their shirt in 2008.

You may have been told that crashes like 2008 are unforeseeable and that it’s ok because the market always comes back. Although it’s true, the market has always come back, that opinion misses a fine detail. It takes time, and time is money.

Not only that, but every crash has a secret; the smart money always got out first. Some even know where to invest in order to make more on the ride down than they made on the way up. Wealth doesn’t disappear, it merely changes hands. Therefore, even(and I would add, ESPECIALLY)in down markets, some are increasing their wealth.

Every long-term, experienced market player knows there are plenty of road signs warning of danger ahead before a crash. To name a few; market breadth, Commitment of Traders report, small-cap indexes, momentum stocks, commodity demand, high yield credit, and margin levels. When two or three of these are flashing red, the time is nigh, the hour is late.

I’m not a herd follower, so you won’t hear regurgitated headlines from me, but you’ll benefit from my obsession with finding gems among streams of data and being months ahead of the curve…..always.

Investments are only a part of the wealth management service of course. We’ll look at the entire picture, and create a customized plan which addresses every one of your priorities, including tax reduction, estate planning, developing low-tax income streams, succession planning for a business, or, an exit strategy.

I have a team of specialists I consult with, each one provides me with part of the whole strategy we will employ. You set the time horizon and the destination, then my team creates the plan.

From there we monitor and alter if necessary. I treat your investments and priorities as my own. You’ll receive regular progress reports, market analysis, and relevant updates to CRA tax laws.

Wealth management

A succession of your business Optimal Retirement transition Integrated and cohesive investments Sufficient and well-planned inheritance An asset distribution that reflects your values

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